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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
COMB PROBAB COMPUT 0963-5483 0.489 6.2
COMBINATORICA 0209-9683 0.842 10
COMBUST EXPLO SHOCK+ 0010-5082 0.274 10
COMBUST FLAME 0010-2180 2.258 8.3
COMBUST SCI TECHNOL 0010-2202 0.774 10
COMBUST THEOR MODEL 1364-7830 1.291 4.9
COMMENT INORG CHEM 0260-3594 2.923 10
COMMENT MATH HELV 0010-2571 0.861 10
COMMUN ACM 0001-0782 1.797 10
COMMUN ALGEBRA 0092-7872 0.303 7.8
COMMUN ANAL GEOM 1019-8385 0.507 6.7
COMMUN CONTEMP MATH 0219-1997 0.708 4
COMMUN MATH PHYS 0010-3616 2.007 10
COMMUN NEWS 0010-3632 0
COMMUN NUMER METH EN 1069-8299 0.389 6.3
COMMUN PART DIFF EQ 0360-5302 0.721 10
COMMUN PUR APPL ANAL 1534-0392 0.433
COMMUN PUR APPL MATH 0010-3640 1.841 10
COMMUN SOIL SCI PLAN 0010-3624 0.442 10
COMMUN STAT-SIMUL C 0361-0918 0.179 10
COMMUN STAT-THEOR M 0361-0926 0.209 10
COMMUN THEOR PHYS 0253-6102 0.872 2.7
COMMUNITY DENT ORAL 0301-5661 1.631 9.9
COMP BIOCHEM PHYS A 1095-6433 1.351 8.9
COMP BIOCHEM PHYS B 1096-4959 1.404 9.8
COMP BIOCHEM PHYS C 1532-0456 1.456 7.7
COMP CONT EDUC PRACT 0193-1903 0.717 10
COMP FUNCT GENOM 1531-6912 0.992 3
COMP GEOM-THEOR APPL 0925-7721 0.629 7.7
COMP IMMUNOL MICROB 0147-9571 1.562 7.4
COMP MATER SCI 0927-0256 1.494 5.6
COMP PARASITOL 1525-2647 0.615 4
COMPARATIVE MED 1532-0820 1.084 3.5
COMPEL 0332-1649 0.188 5
COMPLEMENT THER MED 0965-2299 1.362 4.4
COMPLEXITY 1076-2787 1.051 5.5
COMPOS INTERFACE 0927-6440 0.929 4.9
COMPOS MATH 0010-437X 0.758 10
COMPOS PART A-APPL S 1359-835X 1.446 4.8
COMPOS PART B-ENG 1359-8368 1.121 5.6
COMPOS SCI TECHNOL 0266-3538 2.184 4.9
COMPOS STRUCT 0263-8223 0.953 5.6
COMPOST SCI UTIL 1065-657X 0.843 6.6
COMPR PSYCHIAT 0010-440X 1.748 9.4
COMPUT AIDED DESIGN 0010-4485 1.173 7.7
COMPUT AIDED GEOM D 0167-8396 1.034 8.6
COMPUT ANIMAT VIRT W 1546-4261 1.091
COMPUT APPL ENG EDUC 1061-3773 0.094
COMPUT BIOL CHEM 1476-9271 2.196 2.1
COMPUT BIOL MED 0010-4825 1.358 7.7
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